• baner


    Ośrodek Szkoleniowo – Badawczy

    Realizujemy przedsięwzięcia edukacyjne i badawcze poprzez przygotowanie ekspertyz, raportów i opinii.
    Realizujemy wspólnie projekty służące diagnozowaniu i rozwiązywaniu problemów we wdrażaniu nowych rozwiązań i technologii.
  • baner

    Profesjonalny Kurs Baristyczny

    Kurs ma charakter otwarty, w szkoleniu może uczestniczyć każdy, kto chce nabyć bądź udoskonalić umiejętności we wskazanym poniżej zakresie.
  • baner


    Zajęcia w ramach kursu odbywają się raz w tygodniu po dwie godziny lekcyjne – w sumie 90 minut.
    Grupa od 8 do 16 osób.
  • baner

    Kurs florystyczny

    Cały kurs trwa 50 godzin
    10 godzin zajęć teoretycznych oraz 40godzin zajęć praktycznych

About Us :

The mission of the Protinus Centre for Training and Research is the pursuit of the common organization of educational and research institutions, the implementation of joint projects for the exchange of experience and implementation of new technologies and solutions in collaboration with companies especially from the food industry and different sectors.

The main activities of the Protinus Centre for Training and Research are: organization and running training and vocational courses, research in collaboration with scientific partners, development of new technologies and their application in industry.

The result of the research activities of the Protinus Centre for Training and Research is the implementation of education and research through the preparation of expert opinions and reports, implementation of joint projects aimed at diagnosing and solving problems in the implementation of new solutions and technologies in collaboration with companies.

Work Placements / Internships in Poland (the Podlaskie region):
At Protinus we are experienced in organising work placements and internships in the Podlaskie Region in the vocation of your choice. We work with many professional companies in order to provide quality work placements in various economic sectors.

Protinus executes EU projects as well as applies for European Union funds. Within the framework of projects we execute professional courses, practice and internships in companies from different economic sectors, reports and scientific analyses which can be applied in the economy.

Protinus Ośrodek Szkoleniowo-Badawczy
ul. Antoniukowska 11
15-740 Bialystok
tel. 511-758-050

Published: 31.03.2014r.